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    Skating along the Surface

    Time for another Always On tech torture video, featuring yours truly!  This time, I got ahold of the new Microsoft Surface tablet (which I really enjoyed using before I had to break it), and came up with some dasterdly ways to use - and abuse - it, that aren't exactly what it was intended.  Tablet baking sheet, anyone?

    Hope you enjoy:

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    Reader Comments (12)

    Hey Jeff,

    Just watched the final episode of TRS. Just wanted to say that the show will be missed, I have been watching from episode 1 and the show has been a part of my weekly ritual and life for the pass 6 years. I will miss your great reviews and opinions on movies games and TV shows. Hope you find other ways of reviewing, because I really love your views. Hope you are well and good luck on your future endeavors.

    From your friend,
    Dean from Bangkok, Thailand.

    November 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDean Pramualphol

    Did they at least give you a new one for filming the segment?

    November 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIan

    Hey Jeff, I just finished the last episode of TRS and it is hard to believe it is over. I have been watching since I was in High school and now I am finishing up my last year of college. This may sound crazy but TRS was totally a huge part of my developmental growth as teenager and now young adult. 6 years..... unbelievable.... I remember sending you guys emails in the beginning of the show and you always responded to me, this may sound silly but it really meant a lot. With out you I would have never seen Avatar, Doubt, or Win Win (all three of which are some of my favorite things ever).

    Good luck, I know you don't need it because you seem to be fairly capable.

    But most of all THANK YOU. TRS was more than just a show


    P.S hopefully this does not come off as creepy

    November 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterErik

    this was freakin awesome!!! what's next?

    November 28, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersir poops

    Jeff! These torture tests are awesome! The other day, I went on a marathon and watched all of the ones you appeared in. Is there a specific schedule for Always On or does it just come out whenever a new episode is finished? I looked but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Also, *arbitrary TRS nostalgia comment*...tear.

    November 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBen Wesorick

    I share the sentiments expressed by (many) others about the end of TRS.
    Absolutely LOVED the show for many years.
    Very sad, but like all things in life....we move forward....we keep going.
    THANKS, though for such a great time!
    And one thing I realized as I watch posts like this from you and other posts/videos from Alex and Dan and Mikey.....the four of you made the show, collectively.
    But individually, you're all each super talented individuals, with your own talents, perspectives, and interests...and just because TRS is over, that doesn't change ANYTHING per how great each of you are individually.
    Personally, I'd like to know how we, "the audience", can keep up with what you guys are doing, individually, via your own personal endeavors.
    I don't know if/when you'll have a "reunion" thingy for TRS, but obviously that would be an ideal means to let everyone know how they can still stay connected to the individual "presences" you have out there on the "interwebs".....but you might want to consider posting something like that on the youtubes for all of the fans whining about how they'll miss TRS....ways that they can still follow all of you individually in your own personal internet-facing expressions.
    We all became connected to you collectively as "TRS", but individually we'd still all like to stay in touch/keep informed as to what you have to offer through your own separate initiatives.
    Can you post those somewhere?
    Best of luck, by the way, and again.....THANKS for TRS.
    It's only missed and "sad" because it was so great...and we have all of you to THANK for that.
    Take care.

    November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDan Tharp

    Hey Jeff,

    Just got done watching the end of TRS, and whilst I cope with the 5 stages of grief (i'm up to denial so far), I just wanted to add my sentiment to the hundreds of nice messages i'm sure you've already received.

    My experience of TRS spawned from my first Xbox 360 in 2007, I was looking for news and recommendations for new games and came across you guys, I think you were only 20 or so shows in at the time and straight away I was hooked. As far as I know, i've watched every episode since.

    You spoke to everything I love in the world of entertainment, and gave me a place to geek out every week (i saved up a weeks worth of dailies and pretended they were an old style hour :) ). I cannot even begin to list the things you turned me on to, but sales of Munchkin must've soared over here in the UK thanks to you guys.

    I'm gonna miss the show terribly, but shall continue to follow all of you over the interwebs and hope you continue to stay rad. Good luck in everything.

    Dave Widdowson, Manchester, UK.

    P.S. Breaking expensive stuff for a job... awesome.
    P.P.S. Is it true Dan is lined up to direct episode 7, and you're playing a wookie? Just something i heard.

    November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Widdowson


    This episode was all right, but I'm gonna jump on the "thread derailed" bandwagon to join in a rousing chorus of,

    Goddammit, I had no idea how much a part of my life you guys had become (through TRS) - the friendship between you guys was obvious and engrossing, and, because of that, we felt (rightly or wrongly) like we were all friends along with you, and it's devastating to know we won't be laughing with you/chatting with you/bullshitting with you on a weekly basis anymore.

    Sadly, but eagerly looking forward to seeing you whenever/wherever/whatever you do,

    November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDonald Costabile

    Hey Jeff. I started watching TRS shortly after my daughter was born. (She's six and a half)

    Many sleepless nights had me really looking forward to every tuesday when you guys would have a new show up.

    I'm sorry to see TRS go and I'm sure you will find something else to showcase your charisma, wit and talk about what you're passionate about.

    All the best.

    November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

    Hey guys, just to let you know that Jeff is starting a new show and he needs backers on Kickstarter.
    The show is essentially like TRS, Jeff will be talking about news and reviews of different genres with guest from around the web.


    March 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDean


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    December 27, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSuman Soni

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