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    It's Coming...

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    Reader Comments (32)

    Hey Jeff,

    Love your work, mostly on weekend confirmed now that TRS has finished.
    Anyway a few weeks ago you were going on about your idea/concept for an
    Oculus Rift + Kinect tracking + representing people arms/whatever inside the Rift as a
    "virtual control interface". ( As someone, you?, mentioned it was weird to look down and not see your own arms where they should be)

    Anyway i thought i would mention this thing i came across


    (sorry only have a few mins cant suss out the html code)

    I think it's a pretty good first step towards what you are after. I know it's aimed at a Musical instrument primarily, but i can see it being a useful as a videogame environs too.
    The Ethno Tekh guys have got some good press for their various Kinect only stuff but i think this is the a real leap!

    Hope you like it,

    May 2, 2013 | Unregistered Commentervj PiedPiper

    Nice logo - when can we start sending in backgrounds? ;) I'm expecting the Ferrari of shows, mr Cannata! Make it so!

    May 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBas

    I can't wait! I'm feeling so lost without TRS nowadays, and your opinions Jeff, I don't know which movies or games or tv shows to watch or to stay away from. Really looking forward to your new show.

    Greetings from Sweden!

    May 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHenrik

    Can't wait for this! I think you summed up perfectly why TRS-watchers loved that show so much when you said "I love loving things." That's exactly how I feel. I can't wait to see you and your guests start the lovin' all over again!

    May 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAddison

    So, any updates on the new show?

    June 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterThe dude


    I've watched the Totally Rad Show for some time. I have listened to every episode of Weekend Confirmed, and I have been listening to Gamers with Jobs for the lest 3 or 4 years. I enjoy most of your commentary on all of these shows.

    You have a unique opinion on most topics. You have a very well thought out opinions on many topics. You do not participate in lots of negativity that seems viral on the internet.

    This is the first time I ever took the time to write a comment on any of the shows you appear on. I just finished listening to Weekend Confirmed on 6/21. I don't know what recent events spurred you to your "Finishing Move."

    But I wanted to tell you that you are awesome. You are funny. You are entertaining. I love the mature viewpoint you bring to various discussions. I love that you love loving stuff. I think it takes a secure adult to say he loves whimsy.

    No one will agree with you all the time.

    I agree with your thoughts in Finishing Moves. I just hope that whatever random, anonymous, empty-headed fools are saying to you doesn't get you down. I guess if it's a deluge of commentary, it isn't easy to shrug off. But don't let it affect you too much. 99% of people say these things just because they aren't in the same room with you. 99% of this negativity vanishes in person. No one has the temerity to say whatever garbage they want face to face with someone.

    Keep up the positivity. I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who you never hear from. Its easy to go online and write some screed, because you are angry and feel the need to be heard. Positive commentary doesn't get posted as often because we're too busy enjoying stuff, and don't feel the need to tell people about it.

    Keep up the great work, don't let the anonymous masses get you down.

    June 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEric

    +1 Eric

    June 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAddison

    Hey Jeff,

    Loved TRS!

    I am with Alisson( the above commenter), can you give us an update on the shows progress?



    June 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDennis

    +1 thedude

    July 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBing

    Jeff Cannata is to video games what Rush Limbaugh is to journalism.

    A Fucking corporate brown noser who shits on regular folks and always defends corporations when they abuse customers.

    "xbox one always online is great"... FUCK YOU, JEFF CANNATA DOUCHEBAG

    "Mass Effect 3 ending is good if you don't like it, too bad" Hey, EAT SHIT MOTHERFUCKER. WHo is going to give me back my $200 and 5 year investement where I WAS LIED TO about my actions having consequences, FUCKING JEFF CANNATA CUNT!

    You want to do something good for the world: go and KILL YOURSELF, YOU CORPORATE WHORE.

    You don't have an informed opinion, you don't have an analysis on anything: everything you say is an extension of some gaming company PR department.

    God, I hope one day I will see you at E3 SO I CAN PUNCH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN !!!

    July 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Lount

    I wouldn't go that far, but your post does express exactly the sort of feeling I get whenever I hear him talk about the industry. While I don't think he receives payments from the industry, I can understand people who think he's a corporate shill. Most games are bullocks. Most games aren't worth £41.99. But Jeff's rating meeter is permanently stuck between 7 and 10 and every game he talks about is <<so awesome>>. Sorry Jeff if I don't live in Hollywood like you and have your californian lifestyle. My internet connection is shite and I can only afford 2 or 3 games a year and when you claim every game wot be great and a must buy, you add nothing to the discussion and you certainly don't help anyone make an informed purchasing decision. The other guy is correct in calling you just another corporate right-winger with a platform and distorted opinion.

    July 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMike S.

    Jeff, you should delete the comment from Peter Lount. No shame in that. I can't believe he has that much hate built up towards such a genuine person who clearly loves loving things. Your fans love you and I can't wait for your new show! Ignore that guy.

    July 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrandon C.

    I'm with Peter and Mike. Jeff's as phony as you can get. And if you follow his Twitter you'll see he's a big time fan of murdering babies (abortion). Disgusting.

    July 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGeoff

    Wow. those guys don't simply know what they're talking about, I hope that you've had a good laugh at them Jeff, 'cos I had. The reason that you're giving "every" movie you review a top score is obviously because you can't talk about EVERY movie out there, why talk about the bad movies when you can talk about the good movies, that deserves to be noticed right?

    About that abortion remark, wtf?!? What's that got to do with anything?!?

    Some people huh...

    I love you Jeff, keep up the good work!


    July 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHenrik

    I was a huge fan of Molly Wood's 'Buzz Report', and so sad when it was at an end. I finally tuned in to her new show to see what she was up to, and then BAM... There you were.... Holy hot stuff.
    I'm already a fan for life and I've only just been introduced to you via the 'Always On' blooper episode. You are irresistible, and we'll meet someday if there is a God.

    July 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRodd Bayston

    seems to have been a very long time without an update. The logo looks sweet... but, when's this thing happening?

    August 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterThe dude

    Hey. I would just like to express my disgust at some of the comments in here, and my support for you and your work. Your kickstarter is clear proof that people want to listen to and watch you, and I personally can't wait for your future show. As an avid watcher of TRS I always thought of you as an incredibly reflected, eloquent and honest reviewer. You were often the most positive, but why is seeing positive sides in games and movies a bad thing?

    As a wise man once said, haters gon' hate.

    August 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMagnus

    Woah.. I just read the comments in here.. I'm speechless. I feel sorry for the people that need to berate other people at such an immature level in order to feel better about themselves. The great thing about being alive is the ability to express oneself. Whether you agree or disagree with someone's opinions/beliefs is neither here nor there and completely allowed. A problem arises when a disagreement is reduced to name-calling or calling into question a person's private beliefs. The greatest part about this day and age is that for as much access as we have to the world, we also have a great ability to cut off the people we don't agree with. Simply remove people from your twitter feed, stop listening to podcasts and move on with your life. There are many people who do share your opinions and will greet you with open arms. There is no need to disrespect someone else, and in the process disrespect yourself, when all you can do is ignore.

    As for myself, I will continue living my life and will forever "love loving things:.

    August 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSam

    Jeff Canata is frikin awesome, and so was the TRS...but when is this thing happening, its been a while...SIGH

    August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

    Waited all spring and summer for this, and now im going back to college...Please dont wait too much longer. Hope it happens this year atleast.

    August 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

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