
    It's Coming...


    The New Show!

    It is happening, folks!  Thanks to an explosion of support over at my Kickstarter page, it looks like the new show is going to be funded, and then some.  We will be going to PAX Australia, and quite possibly both Dragon Con and Gen Con, thanks to the Stretch Goals that we've hit.

    I can't thank all of you enough for the incredible generosity and vote of confidence - and I cannot wait to get started.  If you haven't had a chance to check out the project, there is still time!  At this point, I'm really trying to boost the number of Backers as a way to convince potential distributors that there is demand for this new show.  So even $1 can make a difference, because it increases our number of backers.  

    Thanks again - and keep an eye on this space for more news coming in the coming days and weeks.


    Audio Trips

    This week, I was featured in two very different audio shows.

    First, it was a trip down memory lane with Carlos Rodela, in the debut of his new interview show, Everything is Everything.  We had a great time reminiscing about old computer games and talking about my past, present, and future.  Check it out here.

    The second, is a much different kind of trip - a creepy, sonic journey into the woods in the short story radio play series, Earbud Theater.  I was thrilled to record the lead male voice in the short story by Jonathan Dees, entitled Always in Season.  Give it a listen, I think you'll like it.


    Bonus: Bonus Round, Round 1

    I was a guest on Gametrailer's Bonus Round with Geoff Keighley recently, and the first of 4 parts of the episode has been released.  Had a great time (although the iam8bit gallery where is was filmed was very cold that day!) with some people I really admire.  Let me know what you think.


    2/3 of TRS on AOTS for The Hobbit

    I was so happy to participate in one of the last few episodes of Attack of the Show on G4.  Doubly happy, since it was to talk about The Hobbit, and triply happy, since the guest host was none other than my friend and former TRS co-host, Alex Albrecht!  Check out the video below.